
Friday, April 1, 2016

A is for April

Folks, I've gone mad. And this is not an April Fools anything. Bear with me here.

I decided not to do Camp NaNo this April simply because the month is so insanely busy.

But I decided I'm going to try the annual A to Z blogging challenge. Because I've gone mad. If I can keep up with it, there'll be a new post here every day of the month except for Sundays. So check back in, and if I'm not updating, shame me.

So what does April hold that's got me so busy? Well for one thing, I turn 30. And on a Sunday too, so I'll get my birthday off! But I've also got jury duty. Blegh. That'll be a new experience. I just hope if I have to go and am selected, I don't get held up for longer than a few days. While my day job does pay me for the days I'll be out, I have concert tickets for that next Saturday and if I get sequestered, I shall be severely put upon.

Along with that, there's also my "little sister" coming all the way from Florida to see me for my birthday and a geek-themed craft fair, and maybe even a comic book convention. We've also got one more week of home renovations at least, then a deep clean to take care of the copious amounts of dust our house holds, spring cleaning to do...

It's gonna be a busy month. And I'm going to do twenty-six blog posts.

I must be mad.


  1. Good luck with your A-Z challenge! Hope you will be able to go the concert.

    A Joyful Chaos

  2. Hi stopping by on the A to Z challenge. Like you I was a late committer and like you have a crazy April coming up so wondering why on earth I did it.. but you get that. I do hope that you get out of jury duty. I've been called a few times but never needed to be on the jury. My husband got selected once. Anyway - happy birthday for later on in the month. A dear friend turned 30 today. My daughter is out to dinner with her today and she has more activities planned over the weekend.If you want to pop by I'm at

    1. I've been planning on doing this since last year, even as recently as earlier this month, but totally forgot until I saw someone else's first post today! Thanks for the well-wishes, happy birthday to your friend, and good luck with yours as well.

  3. Hi Maggie! Welcome to the Challenge! Yes, you are mad, but (to quote the Cheshire Cat) "We're all mad here!" Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate this month! I certainly hope you're able to go to the concert AND that you enjoy your birthday!! I'm creeping up on 40 but I can honestly say the 30s have been my best decade so far! Have a wonderful Challenge and best of luck! Cheers! ~Jen

    1. Thank you, Jen, and thanks for following! The mad months are the fun ones. Everyone's telling me I'm going to love my 30s. I certainly hope so. The 20s have just flown right by. Good luck to you on the challenge as well, and hope to see you around. :)

  4. I must also be mad. But my blog was on life support, so I need this challenge. I'm going to try to get out at least 500 words per post, but fewer than 1000. I'm wordy, so that's a challenge in itself.
