
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Camping Time!

On my March 4th update, I said I'd decided on the necromantic weed titled Queen of Bones as my next novel project. A little after my Terry Pratchett post, I finished my outline. An actual, honest to God 100% complete novel outline, a story ready and raring to go from start to finish. I'm still in shock about it. I've always thought I was a pantser, but after the last few short stories and this, I think I can no longer deny the facts: I am a plotter. I got lucky pantsing. Once. I finished one pantsed novel. Everything else is a mess of words I'm going to spend half the year untangling.

In any event, I got roped into doing Camp NaNoWriMo thanks to a bunch of friends doing it. The NaNo team has made a bunch of positive changes since my last one. No more "add friends and hope for a cabin together," now you can invite a whole group and be with up to 11 friends in one cozy cabin. It's nice. I'm shacked up with a wonderful group of Absolute Writers that, on day 2, are already destroying their word counts, and we've got a fun little competition going with another AWer cabin. It involves s'mores, so that's all the motivation I need right there.

I've set my goal at 30,000 words for the month, 1k a day and approximately half the novel. Mid-April, I'll be going to a weekend writing retreat with my local critique group. I'm excited to see what kind of word count I end up after.

What about you, dear readers? Is Camp NaNoWriMo on your April schedule?


  1. Hey, Maggie - visiting from Ms. Reid's blog. Good luck with Camp NaNo! I participated once awhile back, and am keeping the summer session in mind. I do love s'mores.... :)

    1. Thanks, Madeline, and welcome over here. :) I checked your blog out from Ms. Reid's as well. Your tortoises are adorable! Enjoy your blogging break, and I look forward to reading more from you when you return.

  2. Me too, good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Just visiting from Janet Reid's blog, and wanted to say, "Hi!"

    Lilly Faye Poodle

    1. Hi Lilly! Your puppy's adorable. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Carolynn! Thanks for stopping by. I checked out your blog. So glad your granddaughter is okay! How scary. :(

  5. Good luck with Nano! Just saying hi and visiting from JR's blog.

    -- Barb

    1. Hi Barb, and thanks! I love your decoupage work on your blog, and I adore your book's cover. Looking forward to getting to know you. :)

  6. Haven't heard of Camp Nano before. But as I am A-Zing this month, will wait until November to Nano again.

    Stopping by from QOTKU blog :)

    1. And I likewise hadn't heard of A-Z before I started checking out everyone's blogs from QOTKU. Maybe next year. It sounds fun! Good luck, and perhaps I'll see you in November. :)

  7. Hi Maggie, popping over from JR's blog. 30,000 words in a month?! Wow. Happy writing.

    1. Hi Lisa! 30k isn't really that difficult, only 1000 words a day. Compared to the full NaNoWriMo, it's a leisure cruise. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Hi Maggie, came here on the Janet Reid bus. Like very much that you know how you work and stick to it. Good luck!

    1. Hi Susan! I've still got a lot to learn about how I work, but I'm keeping at it. :) It's pretty much something we all never stop learning, isn't it? Thanks you, and hope to see you around again.

  9. I hope this works. This is the type of credential login that has failed for other sites. I'm a pantster sort of writer, and at times have tried the outline, but two weeks later I'm no where close to writing what I'd planned to write. I hope your outline will work for you!

    Hopping over from QOTKU's blog!

    1. Hi Donna! So far, so good on the outline. I've usually stuck pretty well to it when I've used an outline for short stories. I guess only time will tell if it'll stay the same for the novel.

      Glad your comment came through all right. Hope to see you around!

  10. hey there, just popping over from janet reid's blog. :) sounds like you've got a lot going for your next book. i've been thinking about joining one of the nanowrimo camps, but fear i don't have enough time to accomplish anything. :) good luck and i hope you reach all your goals!

    1. The nice thing about the Camps is you can set your own goal. It seems like 30k to 50k are the most popular numbers, but I have a friend whose goal is a 17k novella. You can set it to work for the time you have. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has dropped by from Janet Reid's blog! It's a pleasure meeting you all, I've been following everyone, and I hope to get to know you all and see you again. :)

  12. Thanks for the follow! Good to see a fellow camper, though my word count goal is only 15,000 due to teaching and other life type things. I will reach it though!!
    I have also had to accept the fact that I am a plotter. Though I do tend to go off outline while writing the scenes, which is why I only plot about one quarter at a time, besides the major plot points of course.

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